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Showing posts with the label glo latest cheat

GLO LATEST CHEAT WITH OPERA- MINI 2.0, 4.2, 5.0, 5.2, 6.2, 7.0. 7.2 AND UCWEB

GLO LATEST CHEAT WITH OPERA- MINI 2.0, 4.2, 5.0, 5.2, 6.2, 7.0. 7.2 AND UCWEB Yesterday a friend showed me a cheat on mobile phone that is rocking 100%, after testing it I am bringing it to you. It works on all phones including; smart phones, windows mobile. All you need to do is to have a molded opera mini and ucweb, that’s all.  GLO LATEST CHEAT WITH ALL OPERA MINI (LIVE) If you’re using a java/ s40 phone, create your prov here but if you’re using s60/ symbian phone, fire on… IP:|| PORT: 3130 Apn: glogwap Username and Password: wap Now go to your opera mini handler and input what you see below: HTTP SERVER: http:// SOCKET SERVER:-socket://server4.operami PROXY TYPE: httpProxy SERVER: m%3a@2f@ server4.operami Press enter and start surfing and downloading hard. Don’t worry, I have tested it and it is working well. You can as well try some more like Oliver ...