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Showing posts with the label gtworld

How To Delete Beneficiaries From Your Banking App

What is GTWorld? GTWorld is a banking application from Guaranty Trust Bank (GTBank) that allows you to transact, make inquiries, bank statements, and do other banking virtually. A few days ago, a friend asked me how he can delete some beneficiaries from his GTWorld app. The reason he wants to delete some beneficiaries is that some of the accounts on the list are outdated. I’ve seen some people complaining about how they can’t delete a saved beneficiary after adding them. If you are finding it difficult to delete a saved beneficiary(s) on your GTWorld App, here’s a short post to put you through. How To Delete Beneficiaries From GTWorld App Without wasting any of your time, go to your GTWorld App. If you are a GTBank customer and if you don’t have the App, you can download it here. Login to you GTWorld App using the login information given to you by GTBank customer service>>> click on “Transfers” on the transfer interface, click on the “Transfer to GTBank A/C” if the beneficiary...