HOW TO OPEN A SUPER FAST CPANEL TO HOST YOUR DOMAIN This is not a new trick for those who wants to open their own super fast usa ip iwp server. The site we will be using have banned nigerians from using their site, but how can we byepass the site without them spotting us? Simple! We just need to change our internal ip from inside our computer direct, to do that i've already posted the procedure some pages back so search for it.... Now lets proceed, abi? First register and create a domain name at one of this free domaain sites: or or or After registerin your new domain login to the site u registered click on "My Account" register a new domain name there example:if u register dis, click on "MANAGE" and click on"Name servers" put dis in name server 1 and 2nameserver1: ns1.30dns.netnameserver2: ns2.30dns.netnameserver1 click "ok" or "update" have a d...
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