Do you know that You can create your own customize theme without any software. Follow the below instructions: * Copy any theme from your mobile to computer * Rename your theme and change its extension to ".zip" [Example: watertheme.nth to] * Now right-click on the renamed file and extract its content to a empty folder. * Now Check which image is used for what purpose [check the theme on mobile]. * now replace the images and ringtones that you want to use in your theme with already existing images and ringtones. make sure u don't change the name.[rename your images to the same same as the existing image in the theme had. same for tones too]. * Now the folder contains all the info of the theme as it is. only the content has changed not the name. so the file named theme discriptor will take the new files for your theme. * Now right-click anywhere in the folder's empty space and select the option "Add to"...
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